In fact, the article can be completed now. Why not, they don't work. None of the well-known means of medicine (except for surgery, but this is a separate story) will not help to add even a few inches. But we still look at the most popular methods. So that you are not even tempted to try these useless and often dangerous "miracle methods".
1. Pills
Pills to enlarge thepenisare usually made from a mixture of vitamins, rare herbal extracts and hormones. Manufacturers register such products as dietary supplements, not medications. This means that no one controls their production and they are not approved in any clinical trial. And, in general, it is not known what is actually put in these pills. Needless to say, until now, not a single case of penis enlargement has been reported with the help of dietary supplements?
Sometimes testosterone preparations are sold to those who want to add a few inches to themselves in the right places. But the male hormone affects sexual function, not penis size. And taking hormones without a doctor's supervision threatens the "testosterone pit". The body stops producing its own testosterone, the man has a series of health problems and is impotent.
2. Massages and exercises
The penis is not your biceps. It should not be overloaded with growth exercises. But the Internet is actively selling the ancient and "top secret" Arab method of penis enlargement. It is called "Jelqing". The end result is to pull the penis erect for 30-60 minutes a day, delaying ejaculation.
Well, it may be possible to increase willpower with such exercises, but you are definitely not a member. There is no evidence of its effectiveness, but there are complications: pain and deformity.
3. Weights
The most efficient way, but still meaningless. Scientists at the University of Torino have found that the stretching method can actually lengthen the penis by 1-2 cm.
But the effort required was simply titanic: a patient had to use a special stretcher for 4 months, 6 hours a day. The second - 6 months in 4 hours. Both were at risk of rupture and damage to tissues and blood vessels. And for what? To get a longer but thinner penis? Very doubtful result.
4. Creams and ointments

Doctors say they can also buy a cream to enlarge an arm or leg. The only thing this medication can give is an increase of several hours due to irritation or swelling. This is unpleasant and dangerous because these funds cannot be verified. They can even cause chemical burns on mucous membranes. Your partner will not thank you for this.
5. Home remedies
These hellish mixtures of baking soda, garlic and absinthe are not recommended for use on the penis or any other part of the body
6. Vacuum pump
As you draw more blood into the penis, it actually gets bigger. But the effect wears off instantly, if you don't put on a ring that will keep the blood from coming back. And if you don't remove it after 20-30 minutes, it can start to damage the fabric.
If pumps are used very frequently, temporaryimpotence, abscesses, bruises, damage to blood vessels and deformity can occur.
If you still want to enlarge your penis, remember that in medicine the critical length is 5 cm. All other sizes are normal and do not require intervention. So be more concerned with those problems in bed that doctors really consider dangerous. For example,about snoring.